Fitness Equipment and Outdoor Gear for Active Lifestyles
Fitness Equipment and Outdoor Gear for Active Lifestyles Fitness Equipment and Outdoor Gear for Active Lifestyles
Home Outdoor Gear Backpacks
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The Indian Maharadja Sports bag PMR is a medium-sized sports bag made of reinforced polyester on the outside and nylon lining on the inside. This sports bag is easy to convert to a backpack. At the bottom there are two sturdy straps in a compartment behind a zipper that can be clicked with hooks at the bottom of the bag, making the bag a backpack. Handy on the bike or scooter. More than enough space for sports equipment in the large main compartment with double zipper at the top. On one side a spacious compartment for loose items and on the other side a small compartment for accessories. Two fixed handles and a detachable shoulder strap for easy carrying.

Size: 27x27x55cm (± 40 ltr)

IM White Sports Bag Backpack for Field Hockey or Racket Sports- PMR
  • White

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$ 60.00

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